Past Issues and Responses

- Village Laguna Endorsements for Laguna Beach 2016 Election[Verna Rollinger lost in her bid for City Council. Laura Parisi won her bid for re-election as City Treasurer. Measure KK failed. ]
- Village Laguna wrote letters in support of California Coastal Commission‘s Director, Dr. Charles Lester. [The Director was removed from office.]
- Village Laguna supported our City Council in its bid to get help with utility undergrounding. We sent a letter to the governor to encourage passage of SB 1463 [On Saturday, September 24, 2016, Governor Brown vetoed Senate Bill 1463]
- Village Laguna worked diligently with other community members to confine Short Term Housing units to commercial zones. Enforcement will be ongoing.[8/30/2016 Laguna Beach City Council again voted 5-0 to finally confirm the ban on short term lodging in residential zones.]
- Village Laguna sent letters in opposition to the Governor’s By Right Housing Proposal. [This initiative failed, but another initiative, Assembly Bill no. 2501, Chapter 758, an act to amend Section 65915 of the Government Code relating to housing, was approved by the Governor on Sept. 28, 2016.]
- Village Laguna sent a letter to City Council expressing reservations about the content and utility of a Community Survey.
- Village Laguna wrote letters expressing concern about destruction of trees at the Lumberyard.
- Downtown Specific Plan, Village Entrance Project, Cultural Arts Plan—attended workshops and submitted detailed comments on the consultants’ proposals
- Laguna Canyon Road Task Force (Verna Rollinger was our representative)—contributed to a consensus on no additional lanes
- Historic Inventory—held informational meeting on historic preservation in Laguna Beach; established subcommittee to photograph the 150+ C-rated houses proposed to be removed from the inventory
- Public trees—opposed applying view complaint process to publicly owned trees
- Open space—congratulated City Council for setting aside funding for future open space purchases
- Spent nuclear fuel at San Onofre—encouraged letter campaign seeking removal of fuel rods from San Onofre and testified at the Coastal Commission against the current plan for dry storage on site
- Water conservation—advocated ban on new pool construction for the duration of the drought
- Short-term rentals—supported staff recommendation for regulation
- Neighborhood compatibility—opposed Mozambique expansion, inappropriate modification of Heisler Building (rooftop deck), Alta Laguna mansion, oversized house on San José Street on the edge of open space, oversized artist work-live project in Laguna Canyon; supported development of the Ranch in Aliso Canyon while advocating trail through property to Aliso Canyon.
Land Use
- (2010–2014) Opposed massive parking structure at Village Entrance, advocated for preservation of historic sewer tower and a more pedestrian-friendly walkway
- (2013–2014) Opposed addition of rooftop deck at 3355 Alta Laguna Boulevard because of view impacts on open space preserve
- Supported maintenance of development standards for protecting views at 3315 Alta Laguna Boulevard
- Opposed 30-unit artist live-work in Laguna Canyon as violating the Specific Plan requirement that development be small-scale and rural in character
- Supported Toni Iseman and Rob Zur Schmiede for City Council ( See ) —both candidates won
- (2012–2013) Helped develop and supported Open Space Initiative
- Supported funding from California Coastal Conservancy for open-space purchase in Rimrock Canyon
- Opposed rooftop deck for Mozambique restaurant as view-obstructing and incompatible with pattern of development
- Opposed intrusion of development at 3315 Alta Laguna Boulevard into views from and of open space preserve
- Suggested modifications of design for Aliso Creek Shopping Center remodel
- Criticized Mission Hospital’s purchase of property being pursued by the City for open space
- Opposed extension of Atlantic Way into undeveloped hillside area
- Supported trail connection between Top of the World and Arch Beach Heights
- (2012–2014) Opposed the demolition of Guy Skidmore house (“Stonehenge”) at 31381 Coast Highway
- Advocated for retention of South Laguna’s heritage tree list as part of the City’s list
- Asked Council to reconsider its decision to remove heritage trees at 31028 Aliso Circle
- Advocated for careful rehabilitation of Halliburton House
- (2010–2011) Advocated for preservation of Thomas Harper’s boyhood home at 154 Pearl Street
- Advocated for preservation of historic context for William Wendt house at 229 Arch Street
The Environment
- Suggested alternatives to the replacement of a sludge pipeline through Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park
- Congratulated City for steps taken under Climate Protection Action Plan and suggested further measures
- Supported Aliso Urban Runoff and Recycling Project
- Called attention to potential traffic impacts of the Heritage Fields project in El Toro
- Asked the Council to support the City of San Clemente in requesting a plan for the safe disposal of spent fuel rods at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station before a new permit was issued
- Asked for study of water quality impacts of extension of permit for the Aliso Creek Outfall
- Supported a proposed review of current practice with regard to outdoor lighting
- Supported adoption of Climate Protection Action Plan
- Supported citywide marine reserve
- Opposed SUPER Project, which would have channelized Aliso Creek
- Supported adoption of strict new standards on discharges of polluted runoff into Aliso Creek