Many nonprofits and other worthy agencies and organizations are either based in or serve Laguna Beach. Village Laguna interacts with many of these groups on various community, political, environmental, and social efforts.

2021 — Henry Morgan Stewart
2020 — Kenya Ripley-Dunlap
2019 — Charles Dickerson
2018 — Charlotte Hoffs
2017 — Alexandria Hinmon
2016 — Kara Dunne-Dombrink
2015 — Charlotte Andrews
2014 — Maya Keces, (also Jeannette Merrilees scholarships to Rory Saunders and Hannah Martin)
2013 — Ava Eastman
2012 — Juliana Ferguson
2011 — Paul Donne-Dombrink
2010 — Nia Evans
2009 — Samuel Meyers
2008 — Matthew Ininns
2007 — Marshall Thomas
Friends of Harbors, Beaches, and Parks
A county-wide non-profit umbrella group educating and inspiring the residents of Orange County, ensuring the protection and restoration of our natural lands and leading a coalition of conservation and community groups to this end. -
The Laguna Bluebelt Coalition
The Laguna Bluebelt Coalition brings together organizations and individuals with a common goal of protecting and restoring marine life, conserving biological diversity and maintaining healthy, sustainable marine habitats for all plant, fish and animal species. -
Laguna Canyon Foundation
Dedicated to preserving, protecting, enhancing and promoting the South Coast Wilderness – a network of open space that includes Laguna Coast Wilderness Park & Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park, Orange County, CA.. -
Laguna Greenbelt
A grassroots organization founded in 1968, the purpose of The Laguna Greenbelt is to preserve and protect the environment in and around Laguna Beach and Orange County. -
Laguna Ocean Foundation
“We strive to optimize the health of Laguna’s vital coastal ecosystems through science, education, and community involvement.” -
Ocean Institute
“Using the ocean as our classroom, we inspire children to learn.” -
One World One Ocean Foundation
Mission: to raise awareness of ocean degradation; to inspire you by showing how amazing the ocean can be in its healthy wild state; to spark a global movement to protect our seas by showing the world just how much we stand to save. -
Orange County Coastkeeper
The mission of Orange County Coastkeeper is to protect and promote water resources that are swimmable, drinkable, fishable, and sustainable.
San Clemente Green
San Clemente Green aims to protect and enhance the quality of life in our community by promoting sustainable practices. We inform, encourage, and empower our community to balance ecological, economic, and social needs to ensure a clean, healthy, safe and vibrant environment now and for generations to come. -
San Onofre Safety
A public resource for factual information about the serious safety issues with the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station and the tons of nuclear waste stored just a few miles south of San Clemente, California. Most of the information is from official government and scientific documents. -
Save Aliso Creek
Dedicated to saving and preserving Aliso Creek. A broad coalition of cities, community groups, environmental organizations, hydrologists and environmental scientists are joining together to oppose the Army Corps project and propose a more responsible alternative. -
Sierra Club
Founded by John Muir in 1892, the Sierra Club is now the nation’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. -
Surfrider International
Since 1984, the Surfrider Foundation has evolved into one of the largest nonprofit grassroots organizations with a volunteer-activist network dedicated to its mission to protect and enjoy our oceans, waves, and beaches.
CANDO (Canyon Alliance of Neighborhoods Defense Organization)
CANDO’s mission is to preserve the rural, low-density and small-scale character of Laguna Canyon; to protect the integrity of our unique neighborhoods; and to ensure the safety of the Laguna Canyon corridor. -
Crystal Cove Alliance
The partnership between Crystal Cove Alliance (CCA) and Crystal Cove State Park has led to the renovation of 29 historic beachfront cottages, now open for overnight stays, as well as historic education programs designed for the public. -
Ebell Club
Ebell is a social and philanthropic organization. All monies earned are returned to the community of Laguna Beach to support a variety of organizations, education and scientific projects. -
Helping Hands for the Homeless
“Exists to facilitate work, service, and support from the homeless of Laguna Beach to the rest of the city.” Employ the homeless. -
Laguna Beach Historical Society
The Laguna Beach historical society is an all-volunteer non-profit civic organization dedicated to collecting and preserving Laguna Beach’s historical materials and disseminating these materials to interested individuals. -
Laguna Residents First
Let’s work together to make sure that Laguna Residents get a meaningful say in the development of our town. -
LANO (Laguna North Neighborhood Organization)
The organization’s main goal is to improve the quality of life for all residents of North Laguna (bounded by Broadway Avenue in the South and the northern boundary of Irvine Cove with the exclusion of our neighboring area Emerald Bay). -
Pacific Marine Mammal Center (PMMC)
Pacific Marine Mammal Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of marine mammals stranded along the Orange County coastline and to increase public awareness of the marine environment through education and research. -
South Laguna Civic Association
The South Laguna Civic Association, founded in 1946, continues the efforts of its founders to preserve, promote and protect their neighborhood.
South Laguna Community Garden Park
Founded in 2009, Garden Park is intended to bring the joys of gardening and agriculture into the urban environment and provide a setting for shared learning and community interaction. -
Temple Hills Community Association (THCA)
THCA, founded in 1972, works to improve quality of life on their streets and neighborhoods, to help neighbors get to know one another, and to encourage the acquisition of hillside open space and safe pedestrian pathways. -
The Top of the World Neighborhood Association (TOWNA) has served its neighborhood for decades. TOW is a special neighborhood rising to 1,000 foot elevation, site of two schools, and with trailheads to the wilderness park open space. It aims to be an local advocacy voice to ensure decision makers hear the concerns of the neighbors that impact the neighborhood’s quality of life. For information email [email protected].
Transition Laguna Beach
Transition Laguna Beach offers a positive approach to increasing the resilience, sustainability and self-sufficiency of Laguna Beach. -
Visit Laguna Beach
Visit Laguna Beach is the official destination marketing organization (DMO) responsible for marketing Laguna Beach to visitors regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Volunteers in the Assistance League Thrift Shop at 526 Glenneyre
Assistance League of Laguna Beach
Assistance League of Laguna Beach is a volunteer service organization whose members identify, develop, implement, and fund ongoing philanthropic programs for specific needs of the community. -
Friendship Shelter
Friendship Shelter is a private non-profit 501 [c] [3] organization founded in 1987. Its mission is to help the homeless regain self-sufficiency and become more productive members of the community. -
Glenwood House
Mission: To provide a loving and unique housing community for young adults with developmental disabilities that will enhance the quality of their lives. -
Laguna Beach Community Clinic
The mission of the Laguna Beach Community Clinic is to provide excellent medical care regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. -
Laguna Beach Historical Society
The Laguna Beach historical society is an all-volunteer non-profit civic organization dedicated to collecting and preserving Laguna Beach’s historical materials and disseminating these materials to interested individuals. -
Laguna Food Pantry
“Laguna Food Pantry offers free, fresh, nutritious groceries to low-income families and individuals who live, work, and attend school in or around Laguna Beach.” -
Laguna Outreach for Community Arts (LOCA)
LOCA creates innovative visual arts programs that serve people of all ages and backgrounds in and around Laguna Beach. -
La Playa Center, Crosscultural Council
La Playa Center is a free English-as-Second Language (ESL) school with free childcare. It also presents workshops on nutrition, childcare, and child development. -
The Raise Foundation
The Raise Foundation is dedicated to stopping the cycle of abuse through education, advocacy, community collaboration, and comprehensive services for families and children. -
Shanti Orange County
As its mission, Shanti Orange County strives to preserve the dignity and well-being of individuals living with HIV and AIDS by providing life-enhancing supportive services, education, and psychological care.