Village Laguna is composed of volunteers who care deeply about the community, balancing pressures for new development with the preservation of those qualities that make Laguna special. By becoming a member you will have a voice in your community and be part of a group that supports local candidates that respect Laguna’s history and care deeply about the long-term future of Laguna Beach for our children. Attend our monthly meetings and become informed and knowledgeable about your community’s needs.

Join Village Laguna Today

Choose your annual membership level.

Student: $20

Individual (basic): $40

Family (basic): $60

Supporter (family): $150

Sustainer (family): $250

Preservationist (family): $500

Villager Extraordinaire (family): $1,000

  • If you would like to contribute more to Village Laguna, we encourage you to use the “DONATE” button.
  • If you would like to pay by check; please print this form – JOIN VILLAGE LAGUNA – and mail in.
  • To join by credit card or PayPal, select below a membership level, then click on the “JOIN” button.